"Kedai Uni" is a home business that serves various kinds of food menus. The use of illustration art is very helpful as an identity for this business. This is because the business has just started and cannot yet use photos of food products.

I made several banners to place at the front of the shop, social media post, etc. 

And assets for promotional purposes via WA/Instagram/Facebook stories


And, ok
Work still continues today. (ง︡'-'︠)ง Hopefully you will continue to be given goodness and happiness =]

⇛ Thanks for Ur Time ⇚
Illustration Assets - Kedai Uni

Kedai Uni Duren Jaya


Kedai Uni Duren Jaya

"Kedai Uni" is a home business that serves various kinds of food menus. The use of illustration art is very helpful as an identity for this busin Read More
